
Hey everyone,

It’s been forever since my last newsletter release. I sincerely apologize for that. You’ve already allowed me to invade the sacred place that is your email inbox in exchange for something to read. But I haven’t done much invading.

In the past three months, I’ve released two articles on my experiences with DLSU’s Computer Science program. And in the past two weeks, they’ve garnered far more attention than I anticipated. Friends, classmates, and even other DLSU students I’ve hardly talked to shared my Facebook posts. The two articles have reached nearly four hundred views combined! 🤯

This brief stint of success has told me that my writing does have potential, that I can create something people appreciate, and that I’m actually achieving what I set out to do with this online creator journey: making a positive impact on other people’s lives.

Cheesy? Maybe. Self-indulgent? Probably. Do I want to stop? Not at all. I want to keep sharing.

I was never consistent with writing for this newsletter simply because I never built the habit. But I want to change that. From now on, I plan to release a piece here at least once every two weeks. I initially wanted weekly releases, but with school and music lessons and everything in between, I’ll be a little more forgiving to myself.

Each newsletter piece will now contain some or all of the sections below. They will provide some structure to these pieces and will give me more things to write about.

  • The Main Idea - Whatever topic I fancy writing about. It can range from interesting ideas I come across, recent noteworthy experiences, rants, or just me sharing my intrusive thoughts.
  • What I’m Working On - What’s been occupying my time recently: mundane schoolwork, new music pieces, new articles, passion projects, etc.
  • What I’m Reading - Books I’ve been reading or recently finished. Interesting blogs and articles will land here as well.
  • What I’m Listening To - Podcast episodes or new music I’ve been listening to recently.
  • What I’m Watching - Videos, channels, series, or shows I’ve been enjoying, anything under the sun.

Please look forward to more content from this newsletter in the coming weeks. If I don’t follow through with this declaration… Well, I hope that doesn’t happen. 😶😶

That’s all for now. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!

- Enrique

Quick note: There’s a good chance you found this in the promotions or “social” section of your inbox. If you want to have any future emails from me land in your primary inbox, simply drag this email to the “Primary” inbox section. I’d greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to do this, but only do it if you want to!

Hi, my name is Enrique!

Sign up for biweekly pieces where I showcase my creative endeavors, talk about amazing books, share intriguing videos, and write about whatever is on my mind.

Read more from Hi, my name is Enrique!
Of Failure and Finitude on Medium

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